
performance installation 2023

radio composition (21:21 min.), live-video, ventilator, plastic film

When do we humans reach our physical and psychological limits when more and more automated processes are integrated into interpersonal interactions through digitalisation, acceleration and optimisation of information and computing power? And to what extent is the filtering of information from our media environment important for moments of sensual experience? “Detox” is an artistic exploration and an attempt to play technology off against technology. It aims to explore methods and means of reducing media influences and enhancing sensory experiences. The performance aims to experiment with the boundaries within the dynamics of noise and silence through the audiovisual installation. The question arises at this point whether we have become more sensitive to noise in everyday life and therefore want to isolate ourselves more and more from our surroundings, or whether our surroundings have become louder? And what does this have to do with the new headphone function “active noise cancelling”? 

“Non-machines: Playground of Perspectives” at Ars Electronica 2023

The »Non-machines: Playground of Perspectives« exhibition proposes a change of perspective to encourage and facilitate re-examination of relationships between machines and »non-machines«. Rapid developments in the field of artificial intelligence are contributing to machines playing an increasingly integral role in our lives: they are capable of generating (new) content and reproducing themselves. The process engenders discord with so-called »non-machines«. Non-machines can include humans and non-humans, or beings not yet integrated into a machine network (for example, a creature developing freely in nature, or a human who is not connected to digital networks and who avoids technological modification). The exhibition framework was developed by the Media Environments professorship (Prof. Ursula Damm) and was already previously presented in a similar form at the »Non-machines: Playground of Perspectives« conference in July 2023 at the Faculty of Art and Design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The project was funded by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Kreativfonds.

shown at:

Non-machines – Playground of Perspectives – Jul. 2023 – Weimar, Germany

Ars Electronica – Sept. 2023 – Linz, Austria

photography by Nicolas Krewer