Performance installation
November 2023
styrofoam, aluminium, exciter, piezo, omnidirectional microphone, 3D laser / 33:00 min
Synchronisation in space is a dance of speed and rhythm, of harmony and chaos, movement and stillness. It combines acceleration and deceleration to create resonance and also promote social cooperation. But what about the state of asynchrony as a process towards synchrony?
While we use to see and perceive harmony in visual and sonic through holistic understanding, the space “A-Synchron” is exploring the space between synchrony and asynchrony through auditive feedback, material and visual aspects in space.
“Of Webs, Patterns and Other Beings” – group exhibition, Nov. 2023
The artistic research project and multimedia exhibition ‘Of Webs, Patterns and Other Beings’ unites 6 Bauhaus students – 6 diverse artistic perspectives – to tackle the topic of hierarchies in society as well as in nature. Questioning preexisting thought patterns and finding new creative solutions is key in collective artistic practice. Nature consists of an infinitely complex web of interdependencies. All beings are constantly acting and reacting to their environment. Through billions of years, evolution has organised them into hierarchical non-linear structures: food webs, seasonal cycles, symbiotic relationships. Human society has also adopted (or adapted into) a principle of hierarchical organisation. But through misinterpreting nature we have habituated these hierarchical structures in linear, power-organised ways. To speak upon this theme, the 7 artistic research projects work closely with Weimars environment and its living reality.
Artists: Isabella Lee Arturo, Passion Asasu, David Bilek, Niklas Dunschen, Eirini Kokkinidou, Jan Munske, Thai Tai Pham, Rodrik Saad, Cosmo Schueppel, Dahye Seo, Feydrea Vialista
location and special thanks to Studio Wägetechnik
founded by: Kreativfonds of Bauhaus Universität Weimar / Studierendenwerk Thüringen / Studierendenkonvent of Bauhaus Universität
photography: Peechana Chayochaichana